Staying in a hotel

As I sit here on Friday morning waiting for family activities, there is a family down the hall with a child who is screaming and has been for twenty minutes. 

How is this a good thing? Why is this child not comforted? Distracted from his/her anger and frustration? And how did this child get the idea this is a good strategy? Well, it's a three- or four-year-old, I assume, and they are not known for logic and ordered reasoning, but I doubt this is the first time he/she has gone on such a tirade. Punishment in this case would not work, except maybe to scare the child. Then again, maybe a little fear would dilute the terrorism inflicted on his/her parents and the guests in this hotel.....

I was blessed with a child who only tried this a couple of times, usually when he was in his car seat, which he hated, because he thought he should be free to roam about the cabin on the car. I stopped the car and was not tolerant but not unkind, either. 

I do wonder if these kinds of fits are not symptomatic of something else and not just fatigue in a toddler.....


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