Check this out and get mad

Very dark, very subversive. Women aren't really treated like all choices are equal. There is a war against having children. Lots of articles on the rise in childless couples. 

So much to discuss here. Corporations do want women to be their shills because they know they will work hard for "acceptance." Perhaps (!) even harder than men. So why not pay for abortions and fly the female employee to another state where they are freely done, no questions asked. That's going to be cheaper than if she has a baby. No paid leave for 12 weeks, for one thing.

Women have let their empowerment become disempowerment. We have sold our souls.

Academia is no better, not so much in terms of procreation but in women working their b--- off to be "equal." Case in point. I am attending a six-week program in Inclusivity in Teaching. Of at least eighteen members, four are men. But half of our faculty are men. They are not giving up their Friday afternoons for this! The women flock to it. Why? Really, why?

The video makes me mad, but as much at our own complicity as women than at the target, corporations. Corporations exist for one purpose, to make money. When we sell our souls to them, we are part of the problem.  


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