I am Back!

 Although I have nothing to say, on this beautiful Resurrection Day I come back to my blog  with the ancient call, Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. 

I took "Lent" off. I think it was wise. I can't say I have written much (about 2000 words on a novel and a lot of work writing), nor to I have any profound to share, but I will return to this.  I have been putting a lot of energy into my podcast, with four episodes out so far this season, three in the process, one interview scheduled, and several more in the offing. These include one where I will be interviewed, one where I will interview a controversial local historian, and one where I speak with psychologists about creativity.  

It's a lot of fun; so far it is just a cost but no more than other hobbies. 

I also will be announcing an Audible version of one of my mystery novels soon.  I am speaking at a conference on April 29 and my novel Sudden Future will be out in May, I hope. 

I am healthy, according to my doctor, although the pollen seems to be sapping my energy. We had a lovely Easter lunch today with my son doing most of the cooking, thankfully (and me the cleaning!)

God is good all the time, as the chant goes. I will end with this video, which is of a song performed in church this morning quite dramatically. 



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