Questioning motives

 A person close to me is on another tangent. Women’s roles in the church. (They should be minimized, according to this person. Hummm.)

Also this week I interviewed a writer for my podcast who is an ordained minister and is a woman. She has ministered in various ways in churches (youth pastor) and as a hospice chaplain.

And, by the way, my daughter-in-law is ordained in her church tradition.

Regardless of one’s views on this subject, let’s get one thing straight. As a former colleague used to say, "I've got news for you." These women are NOT in it for fame, power, and money. They are in it to use their gifts humbly and fully, alongside other men and women, for the kingdom of God.

So let’s get over the idea that a woman wants to be ordained so she can be the next pastor of a megachurch, have a huge "platform," and have two homes and a jet. Or to put men in their place. Or for a political statement. They are not Beth Moore. They are not mommy-bloggers. They are serious, seminary-trained, and devout. And some of them, probably most, have no clue why their wanting to serve Jesus is controversial.


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