Memes and sayings and challenges

 This is the kind of thing--a meme, I suppose--one sees on Facebook. Perhaps I get too analytic about the hidden meanings of what people (women, mostly) put on FB, but this pushed me to some "interrogation."

This may be taken as a cry for help, or an assertion of identity, or a slap in someone's face.  "You have no idea Who I Am." Why think yourself such a sphinx, such an enigma. Maybe it's more of a sign of narcissism: I'm so special I can say you're incapable of knowing me.  No idea? I think anyone who would posts this probably is surrounded by people who know exactly who they are.

But to move out of the realm of the sarcastic about people who post self-absorbed little sayings such as this--Maybe the problem is not that we don't know who other people are, but that we don't let each other know who we are--and why is that? I am not being smart here, because I could have posted that in the past too. But I would have to ask myself, seriously (not for others, I'm directing this at me) why don't they know? Have I let them know me and they chose not to, or have I held back my trueness, and am I posting things like this as a defense? What would be my motivation for posting it in the first place?


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