A few observations, to be continued

Just saw a news report of a Leucistic alligator born in captivity. It is white and blue eyed. It can grow to ten feet. Another thing to have nightmares over. Yet it is God's creature.  Even if you believe that God directed and used evolution, I ask like William Blake: 

Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
I am still "gobsmacked" by the way the three university presidents were "gobsmacked" by the Congressional committee. Are we afraid of students?  Is higher ed in thrall to the people who are supposed to be the ones needing education?  Yet, after 40 plus years of having to read student evaluations of my teaching.  18 year olds critiquing a person in her 60s with a three graduate degrees, a doctorate, publications, administrative experience--and I am only one little cog in a big wheel, and it happens to all of us who teach--yes, after this, we have allowed ourselves to think the 18 years olds, who don't even know what river they are talking about in that dreadful incantation is.
Has higher education lost its credibility? its vision? its soul?  Did it ever have one? 



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