
 "Evangelical" has, unfortunately, become a word defined by many, media and otherwise, as a political position rather than a view of Scripture, a doctrinal stance, and a belief that personal conversion is necessary. 

And of course we mourn that because the mistaken but widespread view of evangelical is a conservative Protestant who supports Donald Trump.  For that reason, a lot of us don't want to be called "evangelical" any more because we don't want our faith conflated with a political candidate. 


This afternoon I dialed into a podcast I often listen to, one where the host is evangelical but more "open-minded" or even progressive.  This is person is anti-Trump and very concerned about evangelicals who are pro-Trump. Two of the latest episodes are "What are evangelicals doing about climate change?" and"What is going on at the Southern Border?"

These are political subjects, right? So it will be okay if evangelical is connected some but not other sides?

It seems to me an evangelical can care about issues, but we will have a problem if we argue for a sole "evangelical" position about climate change or immigration through the Southern border. One side will err on the side of kindness, the other on the side of law and order, for example.  



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