The Gospel and Beautiful Feet
This was my life group lesson for Feb. 25 Did you see this Super Bowl Commercial? It was controversial. Nowadays everything is controversial. I think about feet a lot. I have had surgery, seen podiatrists, and wear a brace most of the time. There is pain or discomfort almost all of the time. Let’s talk about feet in the Bible: 1. Bare feet recognize holiness. a. “take off your shoes” (Moses at burning bush), Ex. 3:5 b. Why does much of the world take their shoes off upon entering a building? 2. Foundation of life. Stability, choices, direction, guidance, ability. Psalm 18:33; 31:8, Ps. 40:2; 119:105; 2 Samuel 22:34; Habakkuk 3:19; Ephesians 6:14-15 3. Worship: “at His feet” Humility. Luke 10:35 (John 11:2) 4. Christ’s sacrific...