Post 52 of Study: Hebrews 10 revisited
What we must see in Hebrews 10 is that it is not so much a lead up to Hebrews 11, which we focus on and is my bedrock, go-to passage, but it is a logical extension of what comes before and meaningful for us in its own right. (that sounds dumb, but it's just so easy for us to cherry pick the Bible.) Verses 19-25. "Therefore" Actually this is a warning passage to not take the revelation and the grace (the cognitive and affective parts of our experience) for granted. How can we trample--by direct rejection or apathy--the sacrifice of Christ and expect anything but judgment? "Sin willfully" means the sin of unbelief. Hebrews is about this sin, not about a particular moral failing or sin. As Jonathan Edwards preached, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Fearful if one believes and if one does not. However, "remember your faithfulness before" A very stunning change. They are wavering due to persecution, but the persecution will ...