The Image of God, Imago Dei
This is my life group lesson for tomorrow, the first Sunday of Advent, I believe. (I checked, it is, according to all-knowing Google.) That's a good reason to decorate on this weekend, so I suppose I'll be getting them out today. This lesson is on the meaning of the Image of God in humankind. It is Scripture heavy. “Man is the measure of all things.” Sophocles, ancient Greek playwright “The unexamined life is not worth living. The unlived life is not worth examining.” (Socrates, some modern wise guy named Adam Philips, a British psychoanalyst) “What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god!” (Shakespeare, Hamlet). Along with having a correct view of God, we have to have a correct view of humankind. We have to see the balance between our absolute need of Christ because of sin and our basic existence as t...