Being Real in 2024, Day 30
Because next week I am teaching Acts 3, I will take a detour from Matthew. The lesson in the literature is about meeting needs. I am conflicted about this theme; yes, we are responsible to meet needs, but we should be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Everyone who says they have a need doesn't really have one. We need to be prudent and generous, not just generous. If we are prudent in our giving, we can give even more. Bottom line: I work hard for the money and don't want it going to people who will waste it and are perfectly capable of making a living. Yes, I know that sounds unkind. I think it's wise. The other side of this is our motivation. Too often it's more about branding "we are a church that helps the community" or "this gift aligns with my self-identity as a good person" v. the glory of God and the quiet ministry to those who really need the help. We are generous in our own name instead of because Jesus changed the world and us in ...