Let's Talk Some Sense
In general, I am for health care reform. I don't think there's a person in the country who isn't. Health care is a mess. But two wrongs don't make a right. The issue is not the need to improve health care (or delivery of it equitably to all Americans who rightfully want it); the issue is whether this mess of a bill (in its various iterations no one understands) is the answer, which clearly it is not. I am convinced that the people who are protesting "for" this bill don't have a clue what's in it; they are simply soft-hearted people who feel it's wrong for many poor people to be denied health care, or at least denied the quality that a middle or upper class person has. They are well-meaning, but reactionary. Because Obama is for it, they are for it. Because it's a government-based answer, it's right. I am also convinced that some of the people protesting against the bill are just as clueless and reactionary if they scream and act the f...