Halloween--Yea or Nay?
Christianity Today has a Hermeneutics blog post by a woman who likes Halloween and defends it by saying that the Bible is as creepy in its narratives as the Halloween trappings. I am not sure if the Bible stories are creepy and spooky or just what they are, real; actually, I found the posters' comments more interesting. It comes down to your understanding of Halloween's origins: was it a pagan feast that was brought over by the Irish, or was it a celebration before All Saints' Day, done by Christians in the Dark Ages, where they tried to scare away evil spirits with scary costumes? I have heard and read arguments on both sides. I will invoke another controversial pop culture icon: Harry Potter. The evil character in the Harry Potter stories (I have only read the first one) is called "He who is not to be named." But in the stories it is pointed out that not calling him that gives him more power. One of the commentators on the blog states that we are gi...