Soylent Green, Part Deux
This is a continuation of a previous post on this movie, see below. I go to the imdb boards and read about other people's views of movies, more than I should, especially when I have just watched one for the first time and wonder how others liked it, or didn't. I have a dream of teaching an intro to film course one day, maybe. Most of the comments are inane, but some people really do know their film studies. One recurring theme, though, is for some person on the board, sometimes being obnoxious, sometimes being sincere, to say, "Are X and Y gay?" Fill in the blank with two characters in the movie, or sometimes just one. In the case of Soylent Green, it was Roth and Thorn. I find this question curious and disturbing, not because there aren't gay characters in movies, and not because sometimes there aren't subversive messages about it in Hollywood films, but because it gets asked so often and about characters who so clearly aren't but who are of the ...