Before I begin this article, which may be considered a reflection, a polemic, or a diatribe, depending on the reader’s viewpoint, and which to be is an honest exploration of an important topic in higher education, I feel I should give my credentials for writing about this subject. If there is anything I know about, it is college teaching. I have been doing it since January 1978. That is 37 years come January, and that is a long time by most accounts. Yes, I started at 22 (not kidding there). I have taught in private colleges, technical and community colleges, a university, and a four-year state college. In most cases, the institutions were more or less open-access. I have, by my accounting, taught over 20 different courses over the years. I have also taught many of them in hybrid or online versions and developed a number of online/hybrid courses. Here is my list: Business Communication at freshmen and junior levels English 1102 English 1101 Worl...