Laws we live by: The Law of Increased Expectation and Decreased Happiness
We have all heard of Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong it will. The corollary: Murphy was an optimist. I invented Tucker's Law: If anyone can find a way to misunderstand you, he/she will. The corollary: This is doubled in online classes. The Law of Unintended Consequences is also one of my favorites, since we can't foresee everything that will result from an action or decision. Then there is the Law of Attraction (Oprah's pet), which is nonsense, the Law of Knowledge doubling every however many periods of time, and the Law of 29 (I just learned this one); "A belief held by some marketers that on average a prospective customer will not purchase a good or service until they have been exposed to a marketing message 29 times. While the number of messages can differ a great deal when courting prospective clients, advocates of the law of 29 believe that a constant, "in your face" approach to marketing is the best way to sell a produc...