Celebrity Deaths in 2016 and real news
This post from Christianity Today is provocative. I agree--and don't (see my earlier post on nostalgia to get a sense of why). http://www.christianitytoday.com/karl-vaters/2016/december/did-2016-expose-americas-and-churchs-fame-addiction.html Yes, it is silly for people to be saying, "Man 2016 sucked, all these people dying, let it be over." No more people died this year than any other year, and probably not that many more famous people. It's just who they are. And less face it, some of them were old and were going to die soon anyway. Yes, it's sad about Debbie Reynolds dying right after her daughter. Maybe Carrie Fisher didn't take care of herself; 60 is young for a woman to die of a heart attack. I don't know anything about George Michael. Prince, David Bowie, Doris Roberts, Gene Wilder. Nancy Reagan--a loss, but she was aged, and she missed her Ronnie. Some were ill for a long time: Muhammad Ali (not a fan and not sure ...