The Last Day of the Year
There are less than three hours left in 2012 on the East Coast, and where I live is still considered in the region. So I am spending these last few hours at home, in my room/study,with old movies on TV and my dogs asleep on my bed. I don't know if I will make it to midnight, but that's ok. I am still battling a cold, have some reading to do, and I wanted to catch up on this blog on this last day of the year. As I have written before, I considered the new year somewhat artificial, so I'm not making resolutions. It is a good time to review what has been successful and good and not really to revel in anything that was bad. The bad, other than a two-week flu bout and my son's long unemployment, is still with me and very much a part of my life (my mother's cancer battle). Accomplishments professionally were many: successful SACS leadership, winning a service award, having two more novels published, starting doctoral work, but lots of good times and friends...